Simple Example of Using Go Generics with Map

Go generics, introduced in version 1.18, allow developers to write flexible and type-safe functions that can operate on different data types. One practical application of generics is the implementation of the Map function, which transforms elements of a collection. Below is a straightforward example demonstrating how to create and use a generic Map function in Go.

package main

import "fmt"

// Generic Map function
func Map[T any, U any](input []T, f func(T) U) []U {
    result := make([]U, len(input)) // Create a new slice for the results
    for i, v := range input {       // Iterate over each element in the input slice
        result[i] = f(v)            // Apply the function and store the result
    return result // Return the new slice

func main() {
    // Example input: a slice of integers
    numbers := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}

    // Using the Map function to double each number
    doubled := Map(numbers, func(n int) int {
        return n * 2

    // Output the results
    fmt.Println("Original Numbers:", numbers) // Output: [1 2 3 4 5]
    fmt.Println("Doubled Numbers:", doubled)  // Output: [2 4 6 8 10]

In this example, we define a generic Map function that takes a slice of any type T and a function f that transforms an element of type T into another type U. Inside the Map function, we create a new slice to hold the transformed elements, iterate over the input slice, apply the transformation function to each element, and store the results in the new slice. In the main function, we demonstrate how to use the Map function by passing a slice of integers and a lambda function that doubles each number. The output shows both the original and the transformed slices, showcasing the effectiveness of generics in creating reusable and type-safe functions in Go.

Go 1.18 introduced generics, enabling type-safe and flexible functions. This article demonstrates a practical example of using generics to create a Map function that applies a transformation to elements in a collection, showcasing the implementation with a function that doubles each number in a slice of integers.